Particle Sub Group#
A “ParticleSubGroup” is a wrapper class around a ParticleGroup which selects a subset of the particles in the ParticleGroup. A particle sub group may be passed to a ParticleLoop to define the iteration set for the ParticleLoop.
In the listing below we demonstrate the creation of a ParticleSubGroup which is defined as the subset of particles in a ParticleGroup which have an even integer in the first component of a ParticleDat called “ID”. This subset selection is specified by the user by providing a kernel lambda. The creation of the sub group is automatically performed as required by objects which accept a ParticleSubGroup as input.
This subset selection procedure is automatically performed each time an up-to-date ParticleSubGroup is required. i.e. users may update the particle properties used in the subset selection process, or move particles between cells and MPI ranks, and expect the ParticleSubGroup to be updated to reflect these changes. This automatic reevaluation process assumes that particle data access is through the methods provided by NESO-Particles. If these data access methods are circumvented to modify particle data then no guarantee is given that a ParticleSubGroup correctly represents the desired subset of particles.
inline void particle_sub_group_creation(
// Input ParticleGroup - we will select a subset of the particles in this
// group.
ParticleGroupSharedPtr particle_group
) {
// Create new sub group
auto sub_group = particle_sub_group(
// The source ParticleGroup
// The second argument is a lambda which follows the rules of ParticleLoop
// kernel lambdas with the exception that this lambda returns true for
// particles which are in the sub group and false for particles which are
// not. This lambda may only access particle data and may only access
// particle data with read-only access descriptors.
[=](auto ID) {
return (ID[0] % 2 == 0);
// The remaining arguments are the ParticleLoop compliant arguments for the
// kernel with selects particles.
// Create an additional sub group from an existing sub group.
auto sub_group1 = particle_sub_group(
[=](auto ID) {
return (ID[0] % 4 == 0);
Particle Loop#
A ParticleSubGroup is a valid iteration set for a ParticleLoop. In the following example we execute a particle loop over all particles with an even ID.
inline void particle_sub_group_loop(
ParticleGroupSharedPtr particle_group
) {
// Create a ParticleSubGroup from even values of ID.
auto sub_group = particle_sub_group(
[=](auto ID) {
return (ID[0] % 2 == 0);
// Perform a position update style kernel on particles with even values of
// ID[0].
auto loop = particle_loop(
[=](auto V, auto P){
P[0] += 0.001 * V[0];
P[1] += 0.001 * V[1];