General Remarks

Particular, important general aspects of the use cases and Section 4 requirements may be stated as follows:

Calculations may need be (re)started, perhaps from databases of calculations as envisaged by the IMAS development. Someone from the experimental side might want to specify input parameters by duplicating those of a particular say JET shot at a given time, using an database of experimental results. Physicists of either stamp (theoretical or experimental) will likely want compatibility with analysis software such as OMFIT ref. [26] and tools to speed publication in the scientific literature of results obtained. An engineer may simply want to “change surface A to another design and repeat calculation".

Generally, minimising the number of new languages and systems people have to learn, especially in view of the need to attract people to the project and community, seems a good idea, so that a Domain Specific Language (DSL) should for example be based on one or more language(s) that are already well-known to many technical people, such as Julia, Python or . Equally NEPTUNE software cannot be allowed to ossify, so the suggestion is everywhere to have a preferred option and an allowed option where this makes sense.