
Notes Procedures denoted in boldface, as separate sections.
n-D does not include time
ref. [4] in exc.bib

Base classes

The proposed base classes for NEPTUNE are listed below and shown graphically in Figure 6.1.


Figure 6.1: NEPTUNE base classes.

  • • Timepoint : point in physical time Attributes of time, units, offset (Alternatively just real scalar)

  • • Point : point in n-D space
    many make curve, shape;
    is particle location in n-D ; Attributes of n-vector, units, coordinate system (Alternatively just real n-vector)

  • • Curve : parts are one or more points, straight lines or textures or from CAD input or CSG input;
    many make shape;
    is shape boundary, is particle trajectory, is ray

  • • Shape : parts are curves and textures, planar rectangles, or surfaces from CAD input or CSG input;
    many make Shapeset;
    is surface which aggregates as BC

  • • Shapeset : parts are shapes, regular lattice, or volumes from CAD input or CSG input;
    is finite element geometry, is unstructured mesh, is surface geometry of body, is volume in n-D, \(n\geq 3\) ;
    helps defines field
    Attributes of degree of toroidal symmetry

  • • Tensor : parts are \(m\) numbers at a point, order \(o\), type eg. udd, and density \(r\) in n-D coordinate system of type c;
    is (\(m=3\), \(o=1\), \(n=3\)) velocity, is (\(m=1\), \(o=3\), \(n=3\)) density,
    is (\(m=1\), \(o=0\), \(n=3\)) temperature, is (\(m=3\), \(o=0\), \(n=0\)) is array;
    many help make field (u denotes contravariant, d denotes covariant, c defines cartesian, cylindrical, toroidal coordinates, \(r=0\) usually)

  • • Material : from database input ;
    helps make body, particle, many make matexture, plasma
    Attributes of charge, excitation level and mass

  • • Texture : parts are mathematical library functions, particularly mathematical library interpolation functions - see Section 6.3
    aggregates as matexture, BC

  • • Transformation : mathematical formula defining geometry transformations on point and tensor (co- and contra-variant) \(\bf {\bar {x}}\rightarrow \bf {x}\)

  • • Orchestration : parts are from configuration file input see Orchestration, model, framework



Figure 6.2: Aggregation of base classes to form a class ‘Source’.

  • • Particle : parts are location, velocity, material;
    Attributes of particle weight

  • • Interpolant : parts are points, curves, shapes, textures, or timepoints, textures

  • • Diagnostic : parts are DSL input instructions Diagnostic Processing, fieldset

  • • FE (Finite element) : parts are shape, interpolant, material

  • • Field : parts are tensors and finite elements, or particles;
    many make fieldset

  • • Fieldset : parts are fields

  • • DE (Differential equation) : parts are operators (DSL input), IC, BC and source

  • • Model : parts are Solution of DEs

  • • Source : parts are shapeset, fieldset. See Figure 6.2.

  • • Matexture : parts are materials, textures

  • • Body : parts are shapeset, matexture

  • • BC (Boundary Condition) : parts are surface, material, texture

  • • GEOQ (Geometry plus B-Equil) : parts are shapeset, field

Simple inherits
  • • HDS (Hierarchical Data Structure) : multi-octree, is a shapeset

  • • Trajectory : particle position as time varies, is a curve

  • • IC (Initial Condition) : is a fieldset

Solution of Differential Equations

Use in part ABSTRACT CALCULUS and PUPPETEER patterns (cf. GoF FACADE) from Rouson et al. ref. [96], see Section 6.4.

Diagnostic Processing
  • 1. Read configuration file

  • 2. Determine whether any diagnostic needed at present physical time

  • 3. Select input fieldset

  • 4. Select diagnostic type, use in part ABSTRACT CALCULUS from Rouson et al. ref. [96]

    • • Initial logs

      • – UUID

      • – Key input data

      • – Key properties, eg. LCFS

    • • Combinations of

      • – Field / quadratic field (eg. power, flux quantity) / general formula

      • – Point, line integral, surface integral, volume integral

    • • Mass/charge, momentum/current and power balances

    • • Turbulence statistics - cross-correlations, spectra (not particle, ray)

    • • Difference between solutions/experiment (RMS as ‘skill’) (not particle, ray)

    • • See “emergent physics as diagnostic” in imas_objects.tex

  • 5. Calculate output fieldset

  • 6. Set output format

  • 7. Output fieldset to disk, screen

  • 1. UQ Framework VECMAtk and FabNEPTUNE

  • 2. GUI

  • 3. CLI

  • 4. Possible restart (OLYMPUS logic, Fig.1 of ref. [58])

  • 5. Initialise from functions.md

  • 6. Solution from functions.md