neso_fame.hypnotoad_interface.flux_surface_edge(eq: TokamakEquilibrium, north: SliceCoord, south: SliceCoord) AcrossFieldCurve

Return a line following a flux surface.

This line will connect the two points on the poloidal plane. If this is not possible, raise an exception.


If the points are seperated by a large angle along the flux surface, there is a chance that the integration may fail. This won’t normally be a problem, as hypnotoad generates meshes with points that are relatively close together, but it can be if choosing arbitrary points.

eq: TokamakEquilibrium

A hypnotaod Equilibrium object describing the magnetic field

north: SliceCoord

The starting point of the line

south: SliceCoord

The end point of the line


Curve following a flux surface, connecting the two input points.

Return type:


Last update: Sep 23, 2024