nektar_writer Module

High Level Functions

neso_fame.nektar_writer.reset_id_counts() None

Reset geometry IDs to start at 0.

neso_fame.nektar_writer.nektar_elements(mesh, ...) NektarElements

Create a collection of Nektar++ objects representing the mesh.

neso_fame.nektar_writer.nektar_poloidal_elements(...) NektarElements

Create Nektar++ objects for the intersection of the mesh with the poloidal plane.

neso_fame.nektar_writer.nektar_mesh(...) MeshGraphXml | MeshGraphXmlCompressed

Create a Nektar++ MeshGraphXml from Nektar++ geometry objects.

neso_fame.nektar_writer.write_nektar(mesh, ...) None

Create a Nektar++ MeshGraph object and write it to the disk.

neso_fame.nektar_writer.write_poloidal_mesh(mesh, ...) None

Create a Nektar++ MeshGraph object for the underlying poloidal mesh.

Nektar Element Collections

class neso_fame.nektar_writer.NektarLayer2D(_NektarLayerCommon)

Represents the Nektar++ objects present in a single layer of a 2D mesh.

class neso_fame.nektar_writer.NektarLayer3D(_NektarLayerCommon)

Represents the Nektar++ objects present in a single layer of a 3D mesh.

class neso_fame.nektar_writer.NektarElements

Represents all of the Nektar++ objects that make up a mesh.


neso_fame.nektar_writer.nektar_point(position, ...) PointGeom

Return a Nektar++ PointGeom object at the specified position.

neso_fame.nektar_writer.nektar_curve(...) tuple[Curve, tuple[PointGeom, PointGeom]]

Return a Nektar++ Curve object and its start and end points.

neso_fame.nektar_writer.nektar_edge(...) tuple[SegGeom, tuple[PointGeom, PointGeom]]

Return a Nektar++ SegGeom representing the curve to the specified order.

neso_fame.nektar_writer.nektar_quad(...) tuple[frozenset[Geometry2D], frozenset[SegGeom], frozenset[PointGeom]]

Return a Nektar++ QuadGeom object and its constituents.

neso_fame.nektar_writer.poloidal_curve(...) Callable[[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes]], Coords]

Get the curve this quad makes where it intersects the poloidal plane.

neso_fame.nektar_writer.nektar_poloidal_face(...) tuple[frozenset[Geometry2D], frozenset[SegGeom], frozenset[PointGeom]]

Return a 2D geometry representing the poloidal cross-section of the element.

neso_fame.nektar_writer.nektar_end_shape(...) tuple[frozenset[Geometry2D], frozenset[SegGeom], frozenset[PointGeom]]

Return a Nektar++ QuadGeom or TriGeom object and its constituents.

neso_fame.nektar_writer.nektar_3d_element(...) tuple[frozenset[Geometry3D], frozenset[Geometry2D], frozenset[SegGeom], frozenset[PointGeom]]

Return a Nektar++ HexGeom or PrismGeom object and its components.

neso_fame.nektar_writer.nektar_layer_elements(...) NektarLayer2D | NektarLayer3D

Create all Nektar++ objects needed to represent a layer of a mesh.

neso_fame.nektar_writer.nektar_composite_map(...) CompositeMap

Create Nektar++ CompositeMap objects containing a single composite.

Last update: Sep 23, 2024