class neso_fame.mesh.FieldTracer

Manage the tracing of the field and production of normalised lines.

This class exists assist with subdivided quads. To get information for the division at the end of a quad, it will be necessary to integrate along a field line through all of the previous divisions. This class handles caching of that information for later use. Without it, we would need to build the intermediate divisions all at once, which goes against the lazy approach to evaluation used by FAME.

Public members

resolution : int = 10
trace : FieldTrace


FieldTracer(trace: FieldTrace, resolution: int = 10)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

Special methods


Return repr(self).


Return self==value.


Return hash(self).


get_normalised_subdivision(start, ...) NormalisedCurve

Normalises a field trace.

Last update: Sep 23, 2024