neso_fame.hypnotoad_interface.get_mesh_boundaries(mesh: Mesh, flux_surface_quad: Callable[[SliceCoord, SliceCoord], Quad], perpendicular_quad: Callable[[SliceCoord, SliceCoord], Quad]) list[frozenset[Quad]]

Get a list of the boundaries for the mesh.

mesh: Mesh

The hypnotoad mesh object for which to return boundaries.

flux_surface_quad: Callable[[SliceCoord, SliceCoord], Quad]

A function to produce an appropriate neso_fame.mesh.Quad object for quads which are aligned to flux surfaces.

perpendicular_quad: Callable[[SliceCoord, SliceCoord], Quad]

A function to produce an appropriate neso_fame.mesh.Quad object for quads which are perpendicular to flux surfaces.


A list of boundaries. Each boundary is represented by a frozenset of Quad objects. If that boundary is not present on the given mesh object, then the set will be empty. The order of the boundaries in the list is:

  1. Centre of the core region

  2. Inner edge of the plasma (or entire edge, for single-null)

  3. Outer edge of the plasma

  4. Internal edge of the upper private flux region

  5. Internal edge of hte lower private flux region

  6. Inner lower divertor

  7. Outer lower divertor

  8. Inner upper divertor

  9. Outer upper divertor

Last update: Sep 23, 2024