class neso_fame.nektar_writer.NektarElements

Represents all of the Nektar++ objects that make up a mesh.

These are real Nektar++ objects, but they are not yet assembled into a MeshGraph objects.


NektarElements(_layers: list[NektarLayer2D | NektarLayer3D])

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

Special methods


Return repr(self).


Return self==value.


points() Iterator[PointGeom]

Iterate over all of the PointGeom objects in the mesh.

segments() Iterator[SegGeom]

Iterate over all of the SegGeom objects in the mesh.

faces() Iterator[Geometry2D]

Iterate over all of the 2D faces present in the mesh.

elements() Iterator[Geometry2D] | Iterator[Geometry3D]

Iterate over all of the elements in the mesh.

layers() Iterator[Sequence[Composite]]

Iterate over the Composite objects representing each layer of the mesh.

num_layers() int

Return the number of layers present in the mesh.

near_faces() Iterator[Composite]

Iterate over Composite objects representing the near face of each layer.

far_faces() Iterator[Composite]

Iterate over Composite objects representing the far face of each layer.

bounds() Iterator[Composite]

Iterate over Composite objects representing boundaries of the mesh.

num_bounds() int

Return the number of boundary regions of the mesh.

Last update: Sep 23, 2024