neso_fame.hypnotoad_interface.perpendicular_edge(eq: TokamakEquilibrium, north: SliceCoord, south: SliceCoord, force: bool = False) AcrossFieldCurve

Return a line traveling at right angles to the magnetic field.

This line will connect the two points on the poloidal plane. If this is not possible, raise an exception or force the line out of perpendicular. The latter will always happen at an X-point.

eq: TokamakEquilibrium

A hypnotaod Equilibrium object describing the magnetic field

north: SliceCoord

The starting point of the line

south: SliceCoord

The end point of the line

force: bool = False

Whether to force the trajectory to finish exactly at the end point, even if this means the line will no longer be perpendicular.


Curve that is perpendicular to the magnetic field, connecting the two input points.

Return type:


Last update: Sep 23, 2024