class neso_fame.mesh.GenericMesh(Generic[E, B, C])

Class representing a complete mesh.

The mesh is defined by a representative layer and an array of offsets. Physically, these correspond to a mesh made up of a series of identical layers, with nonconformal interfaces, each offset by a certain ammount along the x3-direction.


This class is generic in both the element and boundary types, but only certain combinations of these make sense in practice: Quad elements and Curve boundaries; or Prism elements and Quad boundaries. GenericMesh should not be used for type annotations; use QuadMesh, PrismMesh, or Mesh instead, as these are constrained to the valid combinations.

Public members

reference_layer : MeshLayer[E, B, C]

A layer from which all of the constituant layers of the mesh object will be produced.

offsets : ndarray[Any, dtype[_ScalarType_co]]

The x3 offset for each layer of the mesh.


GenericMesh(reference_layer: MeshLayer[E, B, C], offsets)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

Special methods

__iter__() Iterator[E]

Iterate over all of the elements contained in this mesh.

__len__() int

Return the number of elements in this mesh.


Return repr(self).


Return self==value.


Return hash(self).


layers() Iterable[MeshLayer[E, B, C]]

Iterate over the layers of this mesh.

Last update: Sep 23, 2024