class neso_fame.mesh.FieldAlignedCurve(LazilyOffsetable)

Represents a curve in 3D space which traces a field line.

A curve is defined by a function which takes a single argument, 0 <= s <= 1, and returns coordinates for the location on that curve in space. The distance along the curve from the start to the position represented by s is directly proportional to s.

Public members

subdivision : int = 0
num_divisions : int = 1
start_weight : float = 0.0
field : FieldTracer

The underlying magnetic field to which the quadrilateral is aligned

start : SliceCoord
dx3 : float

The span of the curve in the x3-direction.


FieldAlignedCurve(field: FieldTracer, start: SliceCoord, dx3, ...)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

Special methods

__call__(s: numpy.typing.ArrayLike) Coords

Calculate coordinates of position s on the curve.


Return repr(self).


Return self==value.


Return hash(self).


subdivide(num_divisions: int) Iterator[FieldAlignedCurve]

Split this curve into equal-length segments.


property x3_offset : float

Return the offset in the x3 direction.

property is_offset : bool

Indicate whether the object has been offset.

Last update: Sep 23, 2024